
Senses Fail

Senses Fail
Senses Fail 2009.jpg
Senses Fail tocando ao vivo em 2009
Informação geral
Origem Ridgewood, Nova Jérsei
País Estados Unidos
Gênero(s) Post-hardcore
Pop punk
Período em atividade 2002–presente
Gravadora(s) Pure Noise Records, Vagrant Records, Drive-Thru, ECA Records, Hassle
Integrantes Buddy Nielsen
Zack Roach
Matt Smith
Gavin Caswell
Chris Hornbrook
Ex-integrantes James Gill
Dave Miller
Mike Glita
Heath Saraceno
Garrett Zablocki
Jason Black
Dan Trapp

Senses Fail é uma banda de post-hardcore formada em 2002 em Bergen County, New Jersey.[1] Com o albúm Renacer (2013), a banda muda radicalmente de estilo, aproximando-se do metalcore, devido a predominância de vocais guturais nos versos, contrastando com voz melódica nos refrões. Tal estilo foi mantido no albúm seguinte: Pull The Torns From Your Heart.


Membros atuais

  • James 'Buddy' Nielsen – vocal (2002–presente
  • Gavin Caswell – baixo (2013–presente), guitarra rítmica (2016–presente)
  • Chris Hornbrook – bateria (2014–presente)

Ex membros

  • James Gill - baixo (2002)
  • Dave Miller – guitarra rítmica (2002–2005)
  • Mike Glita – baixo, backing vocals (2002–2008)
  • Heath Saraceno – guitarra rítmica, backing vocals (2005–2009)
  • Garrett Zablocki – guitarra solo, backing vocals (2002–2011)
  • Jason Black – baixo (2008–2012)
  • Dan Trapp – bateria (2002–2014)
  • Zack Roach – guitarra solo, backing vocals (2009–2016)
  • Matt Smith - guitarra rítmica, backing vocals (2011–2016)



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id:Backing   value:pink        legend:Backing_vocals
id:LG        value:teal        legend:Lead_guitars
id:RG        value:brightgreen legend:Rhythm_guitars
id:Bass      value:blue        legend:Bass
id:Drums     value:purple      legend:Drums,_percussion
id:Keys      value:orange      legend:Touring_keyboards,_piano,_programming
id:multi     value:lavender    legend:Session_all_instruments
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id:Lines1    value:gray(0.6)   legend:Others_releases

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at:09/07/2004 color:black layer:back
at:10/10/2006 color:black layer:back
at:10/07/2008 color:black layer:back
at:10/25/2010 color:black layer:back
at:03/26/2013 color:black layer:back
at:03/03/2015 color:Lines1 layer:back
at:06/29/2015 color:black layer:back
at:03/03/2017 color:Lines1 layer:back
at:02/16/2018 color:black layer:back

BarData =

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bar:Zablocki   text:"Garrett Zablocki"
bar:Roach      text:"Zack Roach"
bar:Miller     text:"Dave Miller"
bar:Saraceno   text:"Heath Saraceno"
bar:Pisano     text:"Etay Pisano"
bar:Smith      text:"Matt Smith"
bar:Millbank   text:"Jason Millbank"
bar:Gill       text:"James Gill"
bar:Glita      text:"Mike Glita"
bar:Black      text:"Jason Black"
bar:Comitas    text:"Jeremy Comitas"
bar:Caswell    text:"Gavin Caswell"
bar:Styliades  text:"Greg Styliades"
bar:Trapp      text:"Dan Trapp"
bar:Hornbrook  text:"Chris Hornbrook"
bar:Carey      text:"Steve Carey"


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bar:Nielsen   from:08/02/2017 till:01/08/2018        color:Multi width:7
bar:Nielsen   from:02/13/2018 till:end               color:Multi width:7
bar:Nielsen   from:01/01/2002 till:end               color:Keys width:3
bar:Zablocki  from:01/01/2002 till:01/01/2011        color:LG
bar:Zablocki  from:01/01/2002 till:01/01/2011        color:Backing width:3
bar:Miller    from:01/01/2002 till:01/01/2005        color:RG
bar:Saraceno  from:01/01/2005 till:07/01/2009        color:RG
bar:Saraceno  from:01/01/2005 till:07/01/2009        color:Vocals width:3
bar:Roach     from:07/01/2009 till:01/01/2011        color:RG
bar:Pisano    from:07/01/2009 till:01/01/2011        color:RG
bar:Pisano    from:07/01/2009 till:01/01/2011        color:LG width:3
bar:Pisano    from:07/01/2009 till:01/01/2011        color:Tour width:7
bar:Roach     from:01/01/2011 till:11/01/2016        color:LG
bar:Roach     from:01/01/2011 till:11/01/2016        color:Backing width:3
bar:Roach     from:07/01/2012 till:01/01/2013        color:Bass width:7
bar:Roach     from:04/01/2015 till:07/01/2015        color:white width:7
bar:Millbank  from:11/01/2016 till:end               color:RG
bar:Millbank  from:08/02/2017 till:01/08/2018        color:LG width:3
bar:Millbank  from:02/13/2018 till:end               color:LG width:3
bar:Smith     from:01/01/2011 till:11/01/2016        color:RG
bar:Smith     from:04/01/2015 till:07/01/2015        color:LG width:7
bar:Smith     from:01/01/2011 till:11/01/2016        color:Backing width:3
bar:Gill      from:01/01/2002 till:01/01/2003        color:Bass
bar:Glita     from:01/01/2003 till:01/01/2008        color:Bass
bar:Glita     from:01/01/2003 till:01/01/2008        color:Backing width:3
bar:Black     from:01/01/2008 till:07/01/2012        color:Bass
bar:Comitas   from:07/01/2012 till:01/01/2013        color:Bass
bar:Comitas   from:07/01/2012 till:01/01/2013        color:Backing width:3
bar:Comitas   from:07/01/2012 till:01/01/2013        color:Tour width:7
bar:Caswell   from:01/01/2013 till:04/01/2015        color:Bass
bar:Caswell   from:04/01/2015 till:07/01/2015        color:RG
bar:Caswell   from:04/01/2015 till:07/01/2015        color:Tour width:7
bar:Caswell   from:04/01/2015 till:07/01/2015        color:Bass width:3
bar:Caswell   from:07/01/2015 till:11/01/2016        color:Bass
bar:Caswell   from:11/01/2016 till:end               color:LG
bar:Caswell   from:08/02/2017 till:01/08/2018        color:RG width:7
bar:Caswell   from:02/13/2018 till:end               color:RG width:7
bar:Caswell   from:08/02/2017 till:end               color:Backing width:3
bar:Styliades from:04/01/2015 till:07/01/2015        color:Bass
bar:Styliades from:04/01/2015 till:07/01/2015        color:Tour width:7
bar:Styliades from:04/01/2015 till:07/01/2015        color:RG width:3
bar:Styliades from:11/01/2016 till:end               color:Bass
bar:Trapp     from:01/01/2002 till:01/01/2014        color:Drums
bar:Trapp     from:08/02/2017 till:end               color:Drums
bar:Trapp     from:01/08/2018 till:02/13/2018        color:Tour width:7
bar:Trapp     from:08/02/2017 till:end               color:Session width:3
bar:Hornbrook from:01/01/2014 till:01/08/2018        color:Drums
bar:Hornbrook from:08/02/2017 till:01/08/2018        color:Tour width:3
bar:Carey     from:02/13/2018 till:end               color:Drums
bar:Carey     from:02/13/2018 till:end               color:Tour width:3



  • From The Depths Of Dreams (2003, EP)
  • Let It Enfold You (2004)
  • Still Searching (2006)
  • Life is Not a Waiting Room (2008)
  • The Fire (2010)
  • Follow Your Bliss: The Best of Senses Fail (2012)
  • Renacer (2013)
  • Pull The Thorns From Your Heart (2015)


  1. All Music. «Senses Fail - Biography by Johnny Loftus». Consultado em 16 de junho de 2020 

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